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Two queer foreigners guide to navigating the city of Zurich
At first glance, the LGBTIQ+ community seems to offer easy access for newcomers to connect, either through online apps or queer community spaces. Yet for people with different cultural backgrounds sometimes assimilation into Swiss life has its challenges. The podcast “Visiting?” by Benjamin Hampel and Brian McCabe is here to offer a helping hand. So why the name "Visiting?”. Well, this is the most frequent question asked on dating apps like Grindr or Scruff when you are new to a city or passing through. For many, these are the first contacts in a new city, but it can also the question you continually ask yourself as an “ex-pat”. When does one stop being a visitor? At which point can you say that you have truly arrived? Ben and Brian ask this question, tell stories from the point of view of ex-pats, refugees or visitors with the aim to help not only those who are new to Zurich but also those who have always lived here - to understand this city and each other better.