A message from the cofounders
Dear contributors
Dear users
Dear fans
We have come to the decision to downsize our (lockdown) passion projects kweer.io and Kweer Social to focus instead on our in-person events. Kweer.io will likely become our digital home to showcase our events going forward. Sadly it is with a heavy heart we have decided to shut down Kweer Social fully.
We have spent a lot of time and a lot of energy on these projects. Our mission is to create joyful and safe queer spaces, spaces we created through our events and also these digital counterparts. Sadly we realised that we do not have the necessary amount of time, energy and also funding needed to nurture these digital spaces to come to life. We both continue to have day jobs and would like to focus our free time on our in-person events again.
We learned a lot through this process and are sending out a special thanks to BØWIE and our content creators, and a thank you all for joining Kweer Social.
We hope to see you at our events face to face from now on.
Much love and we hope you understand.
Brian & Domi