Two queer foreigner's guide to navigating the city of Zurich!

In this episode to Brian and Ben talk Hanni, a queer refugee who had to leave his home in Kurdistan to seek asylum here in Switzerland. We discuss everything from what it was like leaving home, the Kurdish culture, the challenges of seeking asylum and his first experience visiting a nude beach in Greece.
The team behind Kweer Ball, Explicit and Drag Brunch Zurich are about to launch a new online safe space - There will be thought-provoking articles on all things queer as well as safe social media space for queers. Your data will not be used for advertising here nor will your art, bodies be censored or taken down. So log on today to sign up for their newsletter and stay tuned for when the site goes fully live in 2021.
You can find out more information on the "Super" national campaign here: and be sure to make an appointment with Check Point Zurich for a cheaper STI screening in September or October here:
The Welcome Café for queer refugees: In cooperation with Queer Amnesty, is a café for LGBTQ people who have fled to Switzerland and takes place once a month. You can inquire about the location and next event by emailing -